
Magick, Worship, Training, and observance

The Natural Magick Tradition

The Natural Magick Tradition is offered by the trained Natural Magick Co-op Priestx team as path working within the modern NeoPagan and Western Tradition. The focus of Natural Magick is on Earth, Animal, Elemental, Plant, and Planetary magick, religion, ritual and spiritual practice.

0° initiations will be held early in February, 2025. The open enrollment process is closed until October of 2026, when we will take applications for 2026.

Natural Magick System Statement of Principles

Natural Magick is a system of magick within the modern NeoPagan and Western Tradition.

Natural Magick is a tradition that honors and observes Nature.

Human Nature is a subset of Nature and therefore, Natural Magick is guided by love, respect and devotion to Nature and towards the unfolding of Human individuality, diversity, expression, will and magick.

Natural Magick respects and advocates for the unfolding of the destiny and fortune of All Living Species.

Natural Magick acknowledges Science of the Consensus Reality and the most current expression of the Western Tradition. We acknowledge Nature and the knowable expression of the Divine.

The Natural Magick Tradition of ritual magick is a direct descendant of the Reclaiming Tradition, and we are whole-hearted participants and students of Reclaiming. Wed adhere to the Reclaiming Principles of Unity. Beyond that, we research, pioneer, rest and adapt our modern tradition to serve the needs of Community, our own Priestxhood, Nature and Magick.

The Natural Magick tradition specifically teaches the knowledge of Botany, Native Plants, Gardening, Wildcrafting, Magickal Herbalism, Herb Gardening, and the use of Herbs and the natural produce of the international botanical market to create magick potions of high quality for all manners of ethical Human intentions.

Completion of the Natural Magick Year-and-a-Day program is the minimum qualifying requirement for membership in Natural Magick Co-op, a worker-owned cooperative that manufactures ritually crafted magick potions.