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Otter oil

Otter oil

Regular price $23.00
Regular price Sale price $23.00
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Elusive, feline, watery and playful, Otter is loyal to friends & family while still retaining a mischievous class clown nature. Otter is a highly intelligent animal, tool-users even, and problem-solving and puzzles are favorite and welcome challenges to Otter.

The Otter is often seen at play, and enjoying life to the fullest. Happiness, family, and eating a whole lot life suits Otter well. Otters are also known for their curiosity, and they wander far and wide in their territory.

I have a friend named Otter, and this blend is one of the many Natural Magick formulas inspired by him. Otter is a total smart-ass, so do you want to be like that? I knew you did! Otter oil smells green and elusive, and is potioned on Fridays when the New Moon forms a crescent.

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Spirit Guide Oils are 100% Vegan

No animals, angels, spirits or cryptids were harmed in the making of these oils

Natural Magick Spirit Guide oils are made with reverence and research to be pleasing devotional blends for the animals or beings they are named for. I research legend and lore, and try to use oils of plants that represent the guide, what it does and what it smells like. The Natural Magick process of using planetary and elemental influences, correspondence, and high quality ingredients is especially appropriate for invoking the nature of your guide.

Spirit Guide oils are not made as fakey perfumes with marketable names. Fox really does smell wild and clever, Bear is somber and impressive, Angel is ethereal and bright, Dragon smells like smoke and scales.

Anoint yourself to attune to your totem, or pour into offering bowls or aromatherapy lamps, or anoint statues or fetish objects.

These oils are in beautiful round 1/2 ounce bottles, blended in 100% jojoba oil, so with any care they should last a very long time. They are priced according to the ingredients most resembling the guide so named.

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How to Use

These magick oils are also called ritual oils, anointing oils or condition oils. They can be used to anoint a person, candle, mojo bag, lucky coins, jewelry, amulets, statues, prayer or spell scrolls, or anything that has a connection with the purpose of the oil or the "condition" it is made to address. Use them according to your inspiration, imagination, the instructions in a book, your Spirit Guide, teacher or Angel's recommendations, or how your Grandma taught you.